About Me

My photo
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
It's no more than a glass box. Five panes of glass siliconed together to hold water. It's what you make of it, what you put in it and how you care for it that gives it the potential to shine.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My resolution

On the days leading up to the new year, I was slightly confused and afraid of the new year.
The new experiences, people and memories that it would give me.
I was afraid of all the mistakes I would make and all the people I might lose.
All the important decisions I might have to make and all the dangers I will come across scared me to hell.
Also the realization that I wasn't getting any younger made me feel woozy.

Although my resolution for this year has little to do with this blog.
I feel that it's important to me to be able to lay this out in front of myself.
As the new years passed and I started calming down.
I realized that although I have every reason to be afraid of 2011 and all the new experiences, mistakes and misfortunes I will encounter. I'd rather spend my time readying myself for them than to sit around waiting and worrying.
Life's too short to spend it worrying all the time.
Life's also too short to not have time for anything else but working to pay off the bills.
SO, this year I'll be comfortably saving so I can finally get some "emergency money" up and going as well as some money for stuff like a Malaysia trip and a bike =p
2011 doesn't feel like it's gnna be huge...then again neither did last year! (look where I ended up)
I also know that I have everything and everyone to see me through the year....through my life.
I owe thanks to my friends for an amazing year.
And to my girlfriend TB for all her love or me through out last year and the years to come. Can't wait for the adventures we'll see through together in our adventure story =]