About Me

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
It's no more than a glass box. Five panes of glass siliconed together to hold water. It's what you make of it, what you put in it and how you care for it that gives it the potential to shine.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pawns on a race track.

A realization over time.
We as humans, start life with birth and end life with death.
During life, we survive to reproduce hence creating new life and aiding in the continuation of the species and maybe even evolution.
Of course evolution takes hundreds of millions of years, but that's beside the point.
The life cycle of humans in underlined by those two sentences.
Heck the life cycle of almost every living organism can be described with those two sentences.
However, what differentiates us from other living creatures.
Is the way our lives branch off as to how we live it.
MILLIONS of different branches.
This is due to our ability to make decisions and our extreme intelligence.
Making decisions, learning, inventing, building.
These are all part of why we are here today.
Some live simple lives mainly fulfilling one's everyday needs.
Food, water and shelter.
And some live intricate lives in which education and a "better, more fulfilled" life is created and lived.
Things get complicated when we consider the latter.
Take a baby for instance.
It needs food, shelter, water and protection.
We provide all those things plus medical attention, education, clothes, sports teams, cars and microwaves.
From the latest medical sciences and practices to planting potatoes.
Almost every facet of a human's life is constantly upgraded, made better and more efficient.
During life we go through school to better our understanding of the world, we go through work to provide for ourselves and others. We have times of leisure in order to relax from everyday life, we go through weddings in order to tie ourselves by law to the one we love.
All these things, work, school love, marriage, money, stress.
All of these we have invented ourselves through our lifestyles.
And my what crazy life-styles us humans live.
We all work towards owning a 6 acre mansion driving Cadillacs, drinking bottles Corvoisier and snorting Columbian cocaine.
We are almost programmed by centuries of rules, laws and expectations to strive for a life of the rich, powerful and sometimes even famous.
Some of us make it, most of us fall in between and some fall just short.
Through the lives of everyone we worry, hate, love, like, dislike.
It seems to me as if nothing can go wrong, the human race will only continue to advance and power it's way through existence.
Indestructible, almighty, supreme.

Life is so easy, so carefree these days that we forget just what our weaknesses are.
We control so many things in our world that we forget what controls us.
We are held by the neck, yet we forget who's hands they are.
Doesn't anyone else feel weak?
Like a dog on a leash, commanded to live until death.
The beauty of humans, living with a reason.

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