About Me

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
It's no more than a glass box. Five panes of glass siliconed together to hold water. It's what you make of it, what you put in it and how you care for it that gives it the potential to shine.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dreams 3/5

Ritchie and I recieved a radio message from base telling us that we had to get back before transport became scarce as they had to redirect most of the choppers towards sending more troops over to Thailand and Singapore.
Another hour passed before the sound of the RAAF Chinook thundered through the valley in which the cave was nestled in.

This is where I woke up to take a piss and have a smoke before falling back to sleep.
I was really confused the next morning as to how I had a ten minute gap before dreaming again and I was still able to continue my dream..
I assume we decided not to go back home as all of this army training and fighting was just to find out family. So they helped Ritchie and I unload the huge amountf of ammo and outdoor gear.
I guess what happened was we requested ammunition as well as a few essentials such as a light water craft as well as more ciggarettes and flint.
We had everything we needed and more.
Seemed like Ritchie and I were going to turn the uninhabited island into a concealed mine field of mortars, sniper ranges and mounted support weaponds...
I guess we were staying for good...


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