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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
It's no more than a glass box. Five panes of glass siliconed together to hold water. It's what you make of it, what you put in it and how you care for it that gives it the potential to shine.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The never ending cycle that will soon lead to our own demise

510,072,000 kilometer surface area of our home planet.
There will never be peace on this beautiful planet.
Never will be love between all of it's inhabitants.
No matter how hard we try.
There will be people there to fuck it up.
Different beliefs and religions clashing, making each and everyone one of us enemies to another.
Trying to achieve world peace is impossible.
Deep inside, we all know it will never be achieved.
Yet, we still pursue the idea.
Wishing that one day the world will be an Eden of respect and trust.

Under the roofs of some six and a half billion people.
There will always be depression, illness and death.
Some are born into a world of starvation and plagues.
Some are put out into a world of crime and capital punishment.
Financial problems is the main source of trouble.
Both for poor and rich alike.
Struggling to pay off the mortgage and feed the kids.
Loaning money from banks and knowing you'll never be able to repay the already swollen trash bag of debt.
We blame each other for causing such unrest in the world.
And so we should.
The invention of currency and money was one of the best ideas in history.
Even so, this "money" has been the problem for every single soul on earth.
Everyone just wants to make money from everyone else.
It's how money was made.
Some want it more than others.
Some need it more than others.
What can we do.

The advance of technology and the human race has led to our own demise.
Japanese and Americans had developed the Nuclear Bomb.
Russians have recently invented the Vacuum bomb.
Two of the most deadliest forces in the human inventory of death and destruction.
America pushes for world peace, and yet tears up countries to look for guerillas.
Viet-kong back in the day threatened and slaughtered many innocent lives.
War has caused the human race to develop new and more destructive weapons.
Medicine will only go so far without aid from companies and organizations with the grasp of large sums of money.

Why in a world of beauty, love and opportunity, do we have battered hands and scared faces on children barely past the age of sixteen.
Why, in a planet of such proportion, do we have people slaughtering thousands of their own kind JUST to prove a point.
Thing is, all were trying to do is survive.
It's a harsh world because were all making it one.
It'll never be an Eden.
If god was our creator, he would certainly be the one to cut loose our damaging lifestyles.

This bores a hole in my soul.
Knowing that no matter how much I do.
I will never make a noticeable difference.
I love all of humanity, no matter how harsh of destructive.
We all have souls and feelings.
Were just trying to survive.
I wish luck and prosperity to those in need.
Love to the world.


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