About Me

My photo
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
It's no more than a glass box. Five panes of glass siliconed together to hold water. It's what you make of it, what you put in it and how you care for it that gives it the potential to shine.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Put me to rest

I guess what attracts me about that place is the constant daily excitement.
The daily hustle and bustle.
Funny moments, moments to cherish.
New faces, dinners to dress up for.
Smelly drainage canals.
Smoggy skies, smouldering hot days.
Never ending sounds of cars and bikes.
Huge aquariums filled with my dream fish, at truly rediculous prices.
Being the alien, the one brought up on "white rice".

Just being there gives me the feeling of being a completely different person.
Almost as if I've put on a mask and waltzed into a masquerade.
Dashing, wealthy and without worry seems fitting.
I have to admit, life there really is different.
Centre of attention whenever I walk out in public.

I have to say, walking on the strech of beach outside my grandma's condo without a shirt on really makes me feel on top of the world.
Sure, the girls staring really does help boost my ego.
The frightningly still nights on the rooftop of the twenty story condo with a few bottles of freezing Tiger beer and smokes that cost me a third of what they should be.
The amount of feelings that place brings to me.
It's almost bliss, like a dream I never want to end.
But that's what it is, a dream.
Someqhere I escape to once in a while.
But as REM sleep goes, it only lasts a few moments before I wake up to school, responsibilities and daily dissapointments.

All my firsts happened there.
It seems almost impossible...that place.
Such a crazy speedy place, yet it's just one big place for me to lie down and nap under the sun.
Everything I need, want and dream of...there.
Where I just can't reach.
I guess that's the real meaning of a getaway.
Heck it's so good I want to bring Luke and Jitrin there.

I guess this is a quick welcome to my own little world.
Here I am looking from inside the Glass Box...

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